One of the top picks that I always recommend to my patients and friends is Pure for Men. The occasional douche mixed with fiber supplements are your best friends for cleanup before you plan on having anal sex. The best way to stay ready is by ensuring you have an adequate amount of fiber and a warm shower. Preparing yourself to bottom takes a lot of time and water, but not always in the form of a douche. (I hate telling people to 'relax', but relax!) Tensing up will only make things more difficult and less fun. If something hurts, say so! Tops, listen to the bottom! If it hurts, stop. Utilize plenty of lube and open communication with your partner. The muscles in your rectum need time to adjust to larger objects being inserted.
The prostate is located just in front of the rectum and is easily stimulated via nerve endings that induce pleasure and possible prostate-induced orgasms.
Why? The prostate! What is it? The prostate is a walnut-sized gland that produces ejaculatory fluid to protect and nourish sperm.
Marcus Tellez, DO, sex can be an amazing experience for gay men.